Peer pressure at college I find interesting. I can see the good and the bad out of peer pressure in college. The good peer pressure I see at college is getting good grades, club involvement, sports and school spirit, talking with teachers, and sometimes even joining a fraternity. Beyond that I can see the peer pressure in a bad way such as letting grades slip by skipping class, drinking problems, drug use, sexual influence... basically the whole sex, drugs, and rock and roll of what is cool or not. Thats why it's dramatic, but in a more dramatic effect in a growing, mature way.
Peer pressure has an amazing effect of how people can get so worked up about the hype.
Not like high school, the evolution of growing of the student. There are many ways to resist college peer pressure, but it is hard for people to realize it is there when so much is going on in the moment. It is just that feeling when you do not want your friends to percieve you as a dull person to hang out with or be sketchy around. Tiffany Coley, the writer of How to Resist Peer Pressure to Party, states something that caught my eye especially to our mass communication class. The statement was,
"The "entertainment" industry has cranked out thousands of raunchy movies having to do with college frivolity."
(the most stereotypical poster alive for college students to own)
I believe that it is completely true in one aspect to college and without the idea of seeing what the party is about, then college students wouldn't know how to react when they want to have this sort of fun. "Entertainment industry" is like a teacher to college students who want a stereotypical lifestyle.
Interesting. This idea of how college is portrayed in media would be a good project topic. I, myself, think of "Accepted" -- my 15 year old son now thinks this is how college should be, and real college is bogus.